In addition to stained glass windows, Stained Glass Resources specializes in the design, fabrication, and installation of custom mahogany wood frames. For restoration projects, one major advantage to having your frames and stained glass windows handled by the same company is the assurance that the stained glass will fit the frame.

Old Cambridge Baptist Church
Cambridge, MA

Our wood frames are made 100% from Pattern Grade Honduras Mahogany, which is the best material available today.

If your window frames look anything like the following photographs, it’s time to consider frame replacement. These are severe conditions that no amount of repair can remedy for any appreciable amount of time.

Stained glass window frames come in all sizes, shapes, and configurations

Putting the pieces together, Taking you through the initial stages of the construction of a stained glass window frame for Second Congregational Church of Greenwich, CT

The before and after comparison of a stained glass window frame. This window frame is from St. Joseph’s Church in Croton Falls, NY


Rose Window Frames

Window Frame Heads

Small Frames

Large Frames